
Superhit hindi action dubbed movie Shapath (2008) Synopsis: Vijay (Gopichand),Divya (Poonam Kaur) are siblings (brother and sister). Vijay being a child himself,could not take the responsibility of upbringing his sister. So he leaves her in an Orphanage of a Christian Missionary. A couple who comes from Kolkota,adopts her and takes her to Kolkota with them. In search of his sister,Vijay arrives at the home of a Police Commissioner Sharath (Sharath Babu),and ends up growing in the place into a Police Officer. A gangster SivaRam Goud murders the commissioner who was obstructing his misdeeds. Consequently,Vijay books SivaRam Goud under narcotics case and sends him to jail. After knowing that his sister Divya,for whom he had been on search for 15 years,is in Kolkota,he goes in a search to find her. Was Vijay successful in finding his sister? What did SivaRam Goud,who comes out of the jail,had done to Vijay? How all this comes to an end? is the rest of the plot.

Pemain & Kru


  1. Anushka
  2. Gopichand
  3. Poonam Kaur


  1. Shivkumar


  1. Anand Prasad


  1. J. Siva Kumar


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