Appu tells the story of a disturbed cab driver Prasanth constantly dazed and confused about the mysterious circumstances leading up to his sisters suicide in Mumbai. Devayani enters his life once and then again in the Grant Road red light area desperate for his help. In the midst of this high-end masala enters the queen of the Grant Road prostitute chain Maharani a ali caught in an identity crisis and in a fight with Prasanth while keeping Devayani as her prime sexual prospect for her clients. Upon seeing haunting images of his sisters ruined life Prasanth decides to embark on a torturous journey of bargain barter buy and sell with Prakashraj in the hopes of receiving Devayani as the lucky prize.
Pemain & Kru
- Rakshita
- Puneet
- Avinash
- Rajkumar
- Puri Jagannath
- Parvathamma Rajkumar
- Puri Jagannath
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